
Sunday, March 19, 2017



Photography is my profession, although, I also consider it a hobby.  I always felt quite fortunate that I have been able to make a living with one of my hobbies.  Besides sailing, another passion of mine is cooking.  That made me think that some of the readers of the LEICA Barnack Berek Blog might be interested in food worthy of a Leica.

I gave this a lot of thought.  There certainly are some outstanding dishes that could be put on a Leica worthy list, but one of my objectives was to keep the preparation of such a food item from getting too complicated.

I finally narrowed the list down to an old German recipe, Königsberger Klopse (meatballs).  Some might think what lowly meatballs could possibly be considered to be in a league like the Leica cameras.  Of course personal preferences do play a role here. But ultimately it all comes down to taste, and in this regard, Königsberger Klopse definitely are worth considering.

I realize that I am going way out on a limb with this, so I am hoping for some feedback if this is a worthwhile topic.  Please let me know.

Königsberger Klopse

1 Tablespoon oil
1 Teaspoon Butter
4.25 ounces onion, chopped
1 Clove of garlic, smashed
10 ounces lean ground pork
14 ounces lean ground beef

Heat the oil in a pan.  Add the onion and garlic and sauté until translucent.  Remove and allow cooling.  Then transfer to a bowl with the ground meat.

2 stale baguettes
½ cup lukewarm milk
2 tablespoons canned anchovies
2 egg yolk
1 egg
Salt, black pepper
Freshly ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Remove the crust from the baguettes, cut into cubes, and add to the milk.  Cut the anchovies into small cubes.  Add the egg yolk and the egg, the squeezed baguette cubes and the cubed anchovies to the ground meat. Mix all real well and add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.  At the end add the chopped parsley.  Form 12 meatballs, put on a plate and refrigerate.

3 tablespoons salted butter
2 ounces flour
1 quart beef stock

Melt the butter in a large pot.  Add the flour and stir continuously until it just starts to darken.  Add the beef stock and bring to a boil.  Simmer until thickened, stir occasionally.

1 tablespoon canned anchovies
2.5 ounces capers
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
Salt, black pepper
Freshly grounds nutmeg

Cut the anchovies into small cubes.
Add together with the capers and the white wine vinegar to the sauce.  Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.  Add the meatballs to the sauce.  Heat to a slight boil and simmer without cover for 15 minutes.

Serve with vegetable rice

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  1. Do I need a Leica to prepare this recipe?

    1. Not at all, it tastes just as good if you own a Brownie Hawkeye or an Instamatic.

  2. Interesting recipe, but don't the anchovies add a fishy taste?

    1. Not at all. I have made this dish with and without the anchovies. It works either way, but the anchovies do add a certain flavor element which ultimately makes for the better dish.

  3. Are we getting into a recipe exchange now? You must be running out of other things to write about.

    1. Not to worry, the emphasis of this blog will remain thoroughly on Leica. I realize that this is going way outT on a limb, that's exactly why I asked for feedback.
      But allow me to add the following: I mentioned that I consider photography, my profession, also a hobby. Pursuing one's hobby cannot be considered work, which brings me to an old German proverb, "Wer nicht arbeitet soll wenigstens gut essen," which means, if you don't work, at least eat well. Ergo, the recipe.

  4. Isn't the old German city of Konigsberg in Russia now and called Kaliningrad?

    1. Yes, the city of Königsberg became Russian Territory after WWII. But to this day this recipe is called Königsberger Klopse in Germany.

  5. This sounds delicious. Will you be posting more of this in the future?

  6. If I get enough positive feedback, I see no reason not to.

  7. Martin ORoyan wrote:
    I love cooking also. I will try this next weekend and give feedback. I have a feeling I might have had this before (years ago) sounds so familiar, and delicious.
