
Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Many Leica owners are probably unaware of the fact that the Leica cameras owe their existence to the motion picture industry.  Oskar Barnack’s first camera design was a motion picture camera, shortly after he began work at the Ernst Leitz company in Wetzlar.  It was based on the results he obtained from an exposure testing device for that camera that he decided to design the Ur-Leica, the original prototype Leica, and the rest is history, as they say.

Thus it should come as no surprise that Leica is involved with the motion picture industry even today.  Their sister company CW Sonderoptic, also based at Leitz Park II in Wertzlar, is making lenses for motion picture cameras which by many are considered the best in the business.  Many of these lenses can be adapted for use on Leica still cameras like the Leica M and Leica SL as well.

Responding to the increasing need for character-driven, large-format optics, CW Sonderoptic introduced the Leica Thalia series of prime lenses. The set of 9 spherical lenses provides an image circle of 60mm diagonal, which covers ARRI Alexa 65, VistaVision, and Super 35 film and digital formats while maintaining a consistent look and feel through all focal lengths.

Although the lenses are based on the Leica S medium format lenses, they feature significant optical and mechanical changes, including: increased image circle, new coatings, new iris design, 270° rotation cam focus mechanism, and entirely new mechanics and housings. Additionally, the 55mm lens is a completely new lens.

One of the most unique features of the Leica Thalia lenses is their iris design, which maintains a circular shape through the entire aperture range. In addition to always being round, the bokeh is smooth, distinct and full of character, which helps the out of focus elements maintain structure and shape without falling apart.

Images captured with the Leica Thalia lenses can appear to have an added depth and dimensionality, especially on larger sensors, due to a gradual focus fall off curve. Rather than even, flat layers of focus across the frame, the Thalia lenses have a slight curve that can make an image “pop” because it is simultaneously more consistent with human vision and yet different from most images created with modern lenses.

The focal lengths of the lenses include 24, 30, 35, 45, 55, 70, 100, 120, and 180mm. The lenses are available in PL mount and offer /i Technology metadata contacts in the mount. The lenses maintain a 95mm front diameter and matched focus and iris ring locations for consistent accessory use. For large format lenses they are also incredibly compact and lightweight, with lengths between 4.9”-6.9” (124.5-175cm) and weighing between 2.4-3.75lbs (1.06-1.6kg).

The Leica Thalia lenses will be on display at the CW Sonderoptic booth at NAB (C4345) and will start delivering in Summer 2017.

For more information visit the product page at or contact us at

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  1. Why are you writing about cine lenses on this blog?

  2. Because this is a Leica oriented blog, not just for Leica cameras and their respective lenses. This also includes lenses from CW Sonderoptic as well as occasional reports from Leica Microsystems, Leica Biosystems and Leica Geosystems.

    1. Great. I am glad to see you don't live in a vacuum.

  3. John Yaworsky wrote:
    Similar price as the other Leica cinema lenses?

    1. I have not seen any prices yet, but considering what Leica/CW Sonderoptic put into these lenses, it stands to reason that the prices will be accordingly.

  4. Argyris Argyropoulos wrote:
    ..want them ALL!!!!
