
Saturday, April 1, 2017


When Leica teamed up with Huawei to develop the camera module for their top cell phones, many questioned the validity of this move.  This came even more into focus with the announcement of the “Max Berek Innovation Lab” at their headquarters in Wetzlar.  This is a research and innovation center is jointly operated by Leica and Huawei.

Considering the significant changes in the camera and photographic marketplace, this must be looked upon as a rather farsighted move by Leica.  The majority of these changes are due to the overwhelming success of cell phones and their built-in cameras.  These have virtually put the sale and development of consumer oriented digital cameras to a total halt.  Even major camera manufacturers had to accept losses in business.  As a matter of fact, Nikon just recently announced the layoff of at least one thousand employees to counter major losses.

Today we learned about an entirely new camera that Leica is going to offer.  It is hoped that it will close a gap for photographers that like the convenience of a cell phone, but also cherish the capabilities and performance of Leica cameras and lenses.

Outwardly the new Leica CP looks like an ordinary cell phone, however with a definitely larger lens, a Leica Summilux 28mm (equivalent) f/1.4.  While this is not extraordinary by itself, the camera also has interchangeable lenses.  The standard Summilux can be removed, and with an adapter it allows the use of Leica M lenses.

  CP Adapter M                                                                            CP Adapter FR

For this two adapters are available.  One is a basic  CP Adapter M which converts the Leica CP mount to a Leica M mount.  Most Leica M lenses can be used; however, there are restrictions of the lenses that are not of a retrofocus design.  These protrude too far past the lens mount and cannot be used.

The 28mm Summilux has an actual focal length of 5mm which results in a crop factor of 5.6 meaning that all of the M lenses will function like a 5.6 times longer lens.  For instance, this will give results with the 50mm Summicron that a 280mm lens would give on a full frame or 35mm camera.

Since this will make the use of M lenses only useful for telephoto photography, Leitz designed a second adapter, the CP Adapter FR, which is a focal length reducer.  This will effectively shorten the focal length of any Leica M lens by a factor of 5.6 when used on the Leica CP.  With other words, the results will appear like they do when these lenses are used on a full frame Leica M camera.

Electronically, the Leica CP is based largely on the Huawei P9 and P10 phones, offering a similar 20 MP sensor for color as well as black and white photography.  The display is very similar to that of the P9 and P10 Huawei phones also.  However, the display does not have to be used as the only viewfinder.  Since these are difficult to see at best in bright light, Leica also offers an add-on electronic viewfinder, the Visoflex CP.  This attaches to the top of the camera and offers an all-around better control over focusing and composition.

For the moment, all the Leica M lenses need to be focused manually, however it is planned to offer a third adapter, the CP Adapter FRAF.  This couples electronically to the sensor of the Leica CP and, via internal focusing, allows autofocusing of the Leica M lenses when set to infinity.  In addition, it also offers auto focusing for close up photography with the lens set at closer distances.

Considering the tremendous telephoto capabilities of the Leica CP, a 90mm lens will effectively function like a 500mm lens with the CP Adapter M, handholding the camera can definitely be a problem.  For that reason a specially designed tripod adapter is available as an accessory.  This is necessary because a standard tripod thread would put too much stress on the camera.  This adapter attaches to the front of the camera to avoid blocking part of the viewing screen. It greatly extends the usefulness of the camera.  Even a relatively small 135mm lens will function like a 750mm lens and the older 400mm and 560mm Telyt lenses become a 2240mm and 3130mm lens respectively.

It should also be mentioned that with the addition of the Leica MR adapter, most of the older Leica R lenses can be used also.

With all these extra features, the camera body needed to be a bit thicker than a standard cell phone.  But that is a small price to pay for the added capabilities of this camera, especially since this opened up the extra space needed for the camera to accept Micro SD memory cards. The camera also offers an easily interchangeable battery.  Both of these are accessible through covered opening at the bottom of the camera. 

Leica needs to be complimented for their farsightedness in embracing cell phone technology and, with the help of Huawei, developing what promises to be an entirely new type of camera, thus preserving Oskar Barnack’s tradition of innovation in camera design.

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  1. Is this an April Fools joke? If it is, I don't find it funny.

  2. Tom McMaster wrote:
    Isn't it a bit late in the day for an April Fool prank?

    1. Why? It's only 9:30 am here, so I have the better part of the day to go.

    2. Tom McMaster answered:
      Ah, ok - it's 16.30 here :)

  3. I see the Leica haters are coming out of the woodwork or from under the rock where they spend most of their time.

  4. John Watts wrote:
    Got me! If anyone has seen the Kodak camera phone it's quite believable. Was the visoflex viewfinder that tipped me off!

  5. Andreas H Kaufmann wroter:
    April, April....

    1. Heinz Richter Ich schreibe jedes Jahr einen Artikel zum 1. April. Einige haben sogar recht heftige Diskussionen ausgelöst, bis es Leuten zu Bedenken gegeben worden ist dass diese Artikel am 1. April erschienen sind.

    2. Peter Meulmann wrote:
      Klasse, ich lese heute April, April Geschichten nur über neue Leica Stories. Das schafft kein anderer Hersteller, da ist Musik drin. Klasse, weiter so.

  6. Rob Cale wrote:
    Nice DMC1 mock-up . Would be too nice if not published today 😉

  7. It's just that, I was getting my hopes up finally new life for my Leica glass at perhaps an affordable price since I'm not shooting film anymore. And then I realized hey is this for real? then I said oh it's April 1 April fools. You got me. I even sent a text to my local Leica dealer. But after some further checking I realize yes it was an April fools prank and I called him and told him to Forget about it, it was a joke. You put a lot of convincing work into this, that's why it was so believable at first, good job.

    1. If it's any consolation, you are not the only one caught by my story. It happens every year on April 1. Thank you for thanking me for doing a good job. Please come back in the future for some real information and stories about the world of Leica.

  8. Devin Nelson Pretty wrote:
    well put together for a A1st joke ;)

  9. Martin H.M Schreiber wrote:
    When will this be available and at what cost?

    1. Please allow me to refer to the publishing date of this article. That should shed some light on it.

  10. Replies
    1. I think for the release date they are looking at April 1, 2018
