
Tuesday, June 11, 2024


By Heinz Richter

Most Leica enthusiasts are familiar with the iconic photograph Oskar Barnack took of the Eisenmarkt in Wetzlar with the Ur-Leica in 1914.  Anyone who has ever been in Wetzlar will agree that the city has maintained its old character quite well and that nothing much has changed.  Yet if we compare pictures taken over the years, we will notice subtle changes that have indeed been made.

Here are three photographs of the same scene, taken from the same camera position. 
The original by Oskar Barnack from 1914, one taken by W. Pringle Rodman in 1980 and one taken by me in 2007.  My photograph was original taken in color, but I converted it to black and white to maintain the character of the other two pictures.

Eisenmarkt 1913 by Oskar Barnack

Eisenmarkt 1980 by W. Pringle Rodman

Eisenmarkt 2007 by Heinz Richter

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