Friday, January 3, 2025



Leica Digilux 2 with custom grey leather covering

By Heinz Richter

Leica cameras are quite regularly dismissed as too expensive. That is understandable in view of the fact that the current Leica M11, combined with a few lenses, easily approaches the cost of a small car. For that reason many dismiss Leicas in favor of other, lower cost cameras.

One solution of circumnavigating the high cost of Leica camera is the used market. It offers a huge selection of equipment, often at surprisingly low prices.

Among these, one camera that stands out is the Leica Digilux 2. Current offers on eBay run from $600 to $750, a rather low cost for a Leica.

The Leica Digilux is often referred to as the first mirrorless camera from Leica. It was first introduced in February of 2004, 21 years ago. As a mirrorless design, the camera featured an electronic viewfinder besides the standard LCD screen in back of the camera. A great part of the rather good performance of this camera is, of course, the lens. The Leica DC Vario-Summicron ASPH 7-22.5 mm f/2.0-2.4 lens is a gem, a definite Leica lens. Because of the relatively small sensor of the Digilux 2, the lens could be designed as a 7 – 22.5 mm lens which corresponds to a full frame equivalent of 28 – 90 mm. Here is actually an example where a smaller sensor does have some definite advantages. To have a 28 – 90 mm lens with a full frame sensor at a maximum aperture of f/2 would make that lens gigantic in size and weight and, with the same performance level, extremely expensive. The sensor has a resolution of 5 megapixels which, by today’s standards, is low. But the low resolution belies the actual performance of this camera. Even by today’s standards, the camera is capable of delivering results that easily point to a substantially higher resolution. This goes to the credit of the amazing Vario Summicron lens. It can easily be said that the Leica Digilux 2 is by far the best 5 megapixel camera ever to appear on the market. The camera has long since been discontinued, but it still has a large following of people that refuse to give it up. 

Besides the outstanding performance, the camera was obviously designed for former manual camera users. Thus it should come as no surprise that the entire layout of the camera is reminiscent of a Leica M camera. The Digilux 2 features a conventional shutter speed dial as well as standard f stop and focusing rings on the lens. Especially for Leica rangefinder users, the camera is immediately familiar. Even the feel of the camera is very similar and does not require very much getting used to.

Of course there are a few modern concessions like autofocus, but manual focus ability is maintained. As a matter of fact, it is possible to activate a magnifying feature which will give a greatly magnified view of the subject matter the moment the manual focusing ring is moved. It is possible to select this feature either for a rectangular area in the center of the viewfinder or for the entire viewfinder image. After focusing, the image quickly returns to its normal magnification for viewing and composing This greatly facilitates the overall accuracy of manual focusing.

The camera does have a built-in flash which pops up at the press of a button. But unlike most other cameras, this is a two position flash with the first position being for bounce flash. Here the flash is pointing upwards in about a 45 degree angle. A second push of the button will position the flash with the reflector facing forward. There have been numerous instances where the bounce flash enabled me to get very naturally looking results which in no way revealed that on-camera flash was actually used. This is a feature that was not to be found anywhere else until the introduction of the Digilux 3.

The ISO range of the camera runs from 100 to 400. That might seem inadequate by today’s standards, but considering the rather fast f/2 lens, a camera with an f/4 lens would require ISO 1600 to equal the Digilux 2. With other words, one would have to go to much more recent and more expensive cameras to gain any advantage.

In practice the camera has proven to be a very handy, relatively light camera capable of tackling just about any subject matter. It is no wonder that the camera still enjoys a rather loyal following.

I entered the digital age with a Leica Digilux 2 in 2006, a time when I was still very skeptical of digital photography. But it had become obvious that traditional film photography was quickly losing interest by professional photographers. The idea of not having to buy film and pay for processing has a lot of appeal. After all, lowering overhead is always a good thing when running a business.

At that time I was doing a lot of architectural photography, mostly with a Rolleiflex SL66. Could this relatively small digital camera really be considered a replacement for the medium format Rollei? There was no doubt that the Rolleiflex was a superior camera in the final analysis. But I also had to consider that many of my clients began to ask for digital files, and I was more and more in need of having the negs from the Rollei scanned to accommodate them.

I shot my first assignment with the Digilux 2 on a cold, Minnesota January day and evening. It was about 10 degrees and I was wondering of this all electronic piece of equipment was even able to function properly under those conditions.

Well, it did, not only did it function properly; it rendered results which I had no hesitation to give to my client. From that day on I did most of my professional work with that camera. 

 The Rolleiflex has long been sold. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall when I shot my last roll of film, but I am sure it was shortly after the appearance of the Leica Digilux 2 as part of my camera outfit. I still have that camera and yes, I still use it. It still is a fun and extremely well working camera.

One aspect that drew me to this particular camera was the fact that it operated very much like my Leica M6 at that time. The layout was very similar, and most of the controls were very much the same. No need to punch a bunch of buttons and to look at LCD displays to set shutter speeds and apertures, this was all done in a very familiar manner.

Of course there was a bit of a learning curve. Instead of turning a dial for the film speed, I now had to go into the camera menu to set ISO speed and a number of other, formerly unnecessary things like white balance, for instance. But this was all done on the display screen in back of the camera.

I was actually a bit concerned about that screen. I had seen a lot of such screens that became difficult to use in bright light. Not so with the Digilux 2. To my surprise, it functioned every bit as good, even in direct sunlight, as it did in a darkened environment. To this day, I consider the Digilux 2 screen one of the best I have ever used, better than even the screen on my Leica M240.

Another aspect of the camera that did require some getting used to was the viewfinder. Even though it looked outwardly very similar to the viewfinder on my Leica M6, it proved to be entirely different. The viewfinder on the Leica Digilux 2 was one of the first electronic viewfinders ever used. It has a bit of a lag when used with rapid camera movements and it is difficult to use under very dark lighting conditions. But I have never felt that I was missing out on shots because of it. Once used to it, I was able to use it like most any other viewfinder as well.

Unfortunately, the camera does not have a PC outlet. Instead I use a hot shoe adapter to be able to use the Digilux 2 with studio flash, or I use a wireless trigger in the hot shoe to set off the flash.

So Far I have had no reason to eliminate the Digilux 2 from my list of cameras. I still use it and I still like to use it. There definitely is little chance that I will ever get rid of it. Besides, my wife has been using it for a while now, and she likes it just the same. I guess that makes it her camera now, but I still borrow it from time to time.

After a while of using the camera, my wife found that the 28 to 90mm range of the lens was somewhat limiting, that sometimes a bit more of a telephoto or wide angle would be advantageous for her. Being that the Digilux 2 has a fixed lens, the only option was the addition of an add on tele and wide angle converter. I found a rather reasonably priced set made by Vivitar. That has increased the zoom range from approximately 21mm to 135mm. The wide angle converter has the additional advantage that its rear element group can be removed and used as a relatively powerful close up lens for macro photography. Of course one has to accept a slight drop in performance, but the resulting images are definitely useful and with the extended range there is little left to be desired.

Leicda Digilux 2 with added Tele (left) and Wide Angle (right) converter

Closest focusing distance with Macro Adapter.
Area covered 1 1/2 inch wide
The fall off toward the edges  is due to lack of depth of field for the curved surface

In spite of its excellent performance, there is no question that the 5 megapix resolution has definite limits in terms of maximum enlargement size as well as cropping. However, here too is a solution at hand.

Adobe Bridge, a feature of Photoshop offers their ‘Enhance’ feature’ which offers the possibility to double the resolution of any file, meaning that twice the enlargement size is possible. That expands the resolution of the Digilux 2 to appr. 10 megapixels. Using this feature definitely results in visibly sharper images with enhanced detail. A practical feature which further expands the usability of the camera.

Original file

Cropped from the original file

Cropped from the enhanced file

I hear it often said that electronic camera need to be replaced for a variety of reasons. One example being that the electronics will begin to fail after a few year. Based on my own experience, the Leica Digilux 3 is not part of that.

Vice President Walter Mondale and wife Joan

Burg Braunfels, Germany

Weilburg, Germany

ChildreChildren's Day Minneapolis Institute of Artsn's Day

Minneapolis Institute of Art

 Frankfurt, Germany

At "Josephs Ristorante" Weilburg, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025


By Heinz Richter

A while ago a reader questioned that Leica continues to manufacture film cameras.  The opinion was that in this world of digital photography, it would be too costly to continue to make film cameras, especially ones with the level of quality like Leica.

Of course, the reader is wrong.  Leica does indeed continue to make film cameras. That is further highlighted by the recent re-introduction of the Leica M6. This makes Leica very much the only player in this field. Both Nikon and Canon websites do no longer list any film cameras. Does that mean that film is becoming a thing of the past?

Definitely not.  Film continues to have an avid following.  That is the very reason why the Leica film cameras are still being made.  Unlike with many other makes of cameras, especially Leica enjoys a faithful film shooter following.

That made me think of my own film cameras of which several are sitting on my shelves, waiting to be used.  I have to admit, I haven’t shot a roll of film for a long time and just about when I am ready to keep it that way, I come across an article by Ricky Opaterny that makes me think about film again.

He too hadn’t been shooting film for several years.

... So last week when I had the chance to shoot a couple rolls of film with a Leica M7, I wasn’t expecting much, having not shot any film since 2004.

Leica M7
Photo by Ricky Opaterny

That caught my interest.  I have never shot with the M7.  My M6 was the last film Leica before changing to digital.  Ricky continues...

A few years ago in the New Yorker, Anthony Lane described the sound of a Leica shutter as a seductive kiss. I had never handled a film Leica M series camera before last week, and I have to say that Lane’s ostensibly cheesy observation is dead-on. After I loaded my first roll of Kodak Portra 400VC in the camera and advanced it a couple frames, I thought there was something wrong with the shutter. “Why isn’t it making more noise?” I asked myself. Seduction begins with a little mystery, I suppose.

This man sat next to me to watch the Spain vs. Germany game at the soccer store on Haight
Photo by Ricky Oparterny

That mystery eludes me.  Probably because I have owned a Leica since my dad gave me one for my 5th birthday.  After all those years, I have learned what the Leica can do for me.  Shooting with that camera is no longer a mystery but it has proven to be a thoroughly professional tool.

Handling the camera was great. It just feels absolutely right when you’re holding it. And I had mounted on it my favorite lens of all time, Leica’s 50mm f/2.0 Summicron.

One of the great things about the Leica M cameras is that you can shoot them at very low shutter speeds—even with the 50mm lens, I can reliably get shots as slow as 1/10 second. It’s like having a faster lens or better high ISO performance or just, generally, an extra stop! This comes in quite useful indoors where light is usually low. With the exception of the first shot, I don’t think any of these were taken at speeds above 1/50 of a second. Normally, on an SLR with a 50mm lens mounted, that would be the minimum shutter speed that someone could expect to use—here, it was my maximum shutter speed.

I have to agree.  I have never shied away from using a Leica at relatively slow speeds.  I suppose this is one of the reasons why I think that the current quest for ever higher ISO capabilities of digital cameras is a wasted effort to some degree.  But to each his own.

Ricky makes special mention of the Leica viewfinder.  He considers it easily the brightest viewfinder of any camera.  He is right.  Another advantage of the Leica bright line viewfinder is that it always shows more than the area covered on film.  This allows seeing and observing the scene past the edges of the image area.  It allows the photographer to become more aware of his surroundings, something that no SLR camera ever offered.

I even liked the images that showed more of the film grain
Photo by Ricky Opaterny

Because I was shooting film—expensive film that would need to be developed at additional cost—I was patient waiting for shots I was anticipating. I tried to avoid wasting a single frame. I spent more time thinking about what I was doing rather than blindly snapping away.

That comment definitely made me think.  I used to take the same deliberate approach, and I still do so when shooting digital.  But I must admit that digital makes it oh so very easy to take a machine gun approach to photography.  The gratification of instant frame review allows you to do so without any cost penalty.  I especially  take this deliberate approach when doing studio shoots, especially with product photography.  There it eliminates a lot of trial and error shots to get things right.

Shooting, with a Leica, as many others have noted, makes you slow down. It makes you more careful about composition and exposure. And shooting with film compounds those effects. In general, I’ve spent the past few months trying to regain two abilities I feel I’ve lost in the Internet age—that to be patient—to delay gratification—and that to concentrate on something for an extended period of time.

Digital photography conditions us to expect instant gratification, providing us with instant previews of our images. In some cases, this is useful and helps us get the shot we wanted. However, more often it’s simply a distraction from doing the thing we should be focused on—taking photographs. Is there any other activity in which people so immediately evaluate their performance with such scrutiny as photographers checking the LCD image previews on their cameras?

The bruschetta was very good
Photo by Ricky Opaterny

It isn’t just the process that blew me away; the results were awesome. I waited with anticipation for the local lab to develop and print my film. What would it look like? What surprises lay in store? I can say that I felt my patience was rewarded. Even though their content is boring, the prints I got back from the lab had a contrast and vividness that makes them look not only unlike digital images, but cinematic in a way that I absolutely love—rich, textured, almost tactile. Unfortunately, getting to that result means paying a lab for developing and printing, which is why I don’t think I can shoot exclusively on film.

I wholeheartedly agree and it makes me think all the more to get some film, load one of my film cameras and shoot.  Of course that brings up the question of what film to use.  My main interest is black and white.  Therefore I don’t think I will bother with color film.  My favorite black and white film used to be the Agfapan APX 25.  Unfortunately that is no longer available.  Then I switched to Efke KB 25 which was later available as the ADOX CHS 25.  Unfortunately, to my knowledge nobody offers an ISO 25 film at the moment.  Of course there are times when ISO 25 just isn’t enough.  For those times I occasionally used Agfapan APX 100 or later the Efke KB 100 or the ADOX CHS 100.  But my favorite higher speed film is without question the Ilford XP-2 Super.  It has the advantage of an ISO range from 100 to 800 without the need of any exposure or development compensation.  However, at the lower speeds it does display noticeably finer grain.  This allows the user to switch between higher and lower ISO indices on the same roll of film and thus assure the finest possible grain under varying lighting conditions.  XP-2 super is a chromogenic film meaning that it must be developed in C-41 color chemicals, like all standard color films.

Photo by Heinz Richter
Leica M6, 50mm f/2 Summicron
Agfapan APX 100

Photo by Heinz Richter
Laica M6, 50mm f/2 Summicron
Agfapan APX 25

Lou Bellami
Penumbra Theater, St. Paul, MN
Photo by Heinz Richter
Leica M6, 135mm f/2.8 Elmarit
Ilford XP-2 Super at ISO 800
Stage lighting

Don Stolz
Old Log Theater, Excelsior, MN
Photo by Heinz Richter
Leica M6, 50mm f/2 Summicron
Ilford XP-2 Super at ISO 800

Former Principal Violinist St. Paul chamber Orchestra
Photo by Heinz Richter
Leica R4, 28mm f/2.8 elmarit
Ilford XP 2 Super

Reggie Anderson
Leica M6, 135mm f/2.8 Elmarit
Agfapan APX 25

I guess this should be enough for myself to shoot some film.  Now I just have to decide which film and which camera to use.  Maybe I will be back here at a later date for a report.

For the complete article by Ricky Opaterny go to: Rediscovering film with the Leica M7

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