Saturday, August 24, 2024




By Heinz Richter

Most people, when traveling to Germany from other countries, will go to Bavaria which certainly is worth the trip.  As a matter of fact, southern Germany in general seems to have more appeal to foreign travelers than the rest of the country.  Yet other areas have a distinct charm of their own.

One such area is the Lüneburger Heide or Lunenburg Heath in English.  It is a large area of heath, geest and woodland in northeastern part of the state of Lower Saxony in northern Germany.  It forms part of the hinterland for the cities of Hamburg, Hanover, and Bremen and is named after the town of Lüneburg.  Most of the area is a nature reserve.

The remaining areas of heath are kept clear mainly through grazing, especially by a North German breed of moorland sheep called the Heidschnucke. Due to its unique landscape, the Lüneburg Heath is a popular tourist destination in North Germany.

Following is a series of photographs taken by Marlies Amling of Vilsheim, Germany.  Now retired, she used to operate a photo studio in Weilburg which is only a few miles from Wetzlar, the headquarters of Leica Camera AG.

All photographs were all taken with Leica equipment and a variety of Leica lenses.

 The Heidemuseum, a building typical for the area with half timbered construction and a thatched roof

Celle, the capital of the area


Storage Barn

Sheep Barn


Out for a walk on Sunday

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